

Meetings Calendar

Click/tap on each meeting for description, most of which include Zoom links.

  • (Z) – Zoom Only
  • (IP) – In-Person Only
  • (H) – Hybrid Zoom & In-Person (Note: it is much easier to hear the clubhouse if you use a headset.)

For immediate help, call Intergroup at (952) 922-0880. Phones are answered 24 hours each day.

The Sahara Club is located at 3408 Dakota Ave S, St. Louis Park, MN 55416, across Dakota from McDonald’s and across the tracks from St. Louis Park High School.

DISCLAIMER: The principles of this site are guided by the traditions and concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous. We ask that all visitors to this site abide by these principles.

Whom you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.

The Sahara Club takes no responsibility for the content of web sites that we provide hyper-links to. They are included as resources that have been helpful to members in the past. Our links do not constitute or indicate review, endorsement, or approval.


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